The third in a series of five debates on the ethics of judges: ‘Judges ethics‘ days‘, organised by the High Judicial Council (HJC) in cooperation with the HJC Board of Ethics (BoE) and the Project, for the judges and the courts‘ presidents in Serbia, was successfully conducted on 4 February.

The event titled 'Judges responsibility - the differences between disciplinary and ethics responsibility of judges‘, provided for an opportunity for both panelists and participants to debate key questions arising from the said topic: responsibility of judges as a legal and moral obligation, disciplinary responsibility of judges, the nature of the ethics responsibility of judges and the practice of the HJC disciplinary bodies in relation to violations of the Code of Ethics.

The panelists were the members of the HJC, the BoE and the HJC disciplinary bodies. The debate was organised in a hybrid mode, recording over 140 participants.

Reflecting on the necessity of such events, the participants also noted the positive impact achieved through a two-year cycle of 70 trainings on disciplinary responsibility of judges, organised with the Project‘s support for judges of courts of all jurisdictions in the Republic of Serbia.

Last updated: March 7, 2025, 15:55